Transforming health research and care for the benefit of all.

Transforming health research and care
for the benefit of all.


The Problem

A lack of participant-centric design in health research remains a major barrier to advancing health knowledge and care. There is a clear need for design innovations that leverage the potential of emergent technologies and human-centered design to better meet the needs of patients, researchers and healthcare providers.


Wave Research Center brings participant-centered solutions to the challenges surrounding health research.


The Solution

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Wave Research Center brings together experts in health research, behavioral science, and human-centered design to propel research into the future. Participant-centric research studies have the potential to improve health outcomes for patients by catalyzing recruitment, fostering long-term engagement, promoting adherence, increasing diversity, and producing highly relevant results.

Wave endeavors to provide critical insights that will inform meaningful change, not only to individual health behaviors, but also to health systems, processes, and policies that impact these behaviors.

About Wave Research Center

Wave Research Center is dedicated to exploring and understanding the impact of human decision-making factors as they relate to health, medical care, and biomedical research. We seek to advance research on the factors that affect the success of innovative healthcare solutions. Leveraging expertise that spans clinical research, policy, technology, digital medicine, behavioral economics, healthcare disciplines, bioethics, and user-centered design, Wave blends multiple approaches to allow for a deeper understanding of the problems impacting the current state of healthcare and works to develop innovative, forward-thinking solutions.

Our Shared Capabilities


We are constantly improving our methodology. We measure and iterate and measure again, to ensure our approach helps studies reach their maximum potential.